Quarterly Roundup Q3 2017

It’s been an amazing quarter for the guys and gals here at Team VU!
From hosting ‘the world’s most laid back VR event’, VR in a Bar, to speaking at the VR Diversity Bootcamp & InfoDocSP in Rio, we couldn’t be happier with how Virtual Umbrella is developing as a member of our fantastic VR community. We’ve supported events like VRUK, FuturePlay & Open City Doc Fest, visited friends at Develop and the Fleet Makery, and, more recently, launched our very own digital innovation workshops and webinars!
So…as we settle in for our next quarter in our brand spankin’ new home in Brighton, we thought we’d take the time to remember just a few of our many highlights:
VR in a Bar
Ok, so *technically* this was at the tail end of last quarter, but who can blame us for wanting to relive this great night of VR fun?!
As always, the idea was simple: take all the jaw-dropping immersive tech from formal VR conferences. Put it in an awesome bar near you. Invite the very best and brightest from the world of virtual reality. Aaaaaaaand mix.
In July, we worked with the Ravensbourne team to help plan and manage an exhibition at one of the UK’s most prestigious VR events: VRUK.
After the whirlwind of VRUK, we were off to Develop – giving us the chance to meet old and new VR friends alike! #popular
VR Diversity Bootcamp
Mid-July, our CD, Samantha Kingston, got the chance to share some of her expert knowledge about VR marketing and distribution at the VR Diversity Bootcamp in London. Working alongside names like Catherine Allen, it was our pleasure to show our support for an even more exciting & accessible VR community.
Fleet Makery
The Makery is a new Hampshire Library service, bursting with technology from 3D printers to iMacs. Based in Sam’s hometown of Fleet, it provides a innovative space to meet, design and create. We had a blast at the launch event, and helped them kick things off in style with some epic VR demos.
From the 3rd until the 26th August, team VU got involved in the site build, staff training, VR management, and demos for the FuturePlay VR Studio, bringing huge domes filled with the very best immersive tech to Edinburgh’s iconic George Street.
Open City Doc Fest
Designed to create an open space in London to champion the art of documentary & non-fiction filmmakers, Open City Fest is an incredible program of new and established voices in the world of storytelling. And this year, taking place at the atmospheric Bargehouse in the heart of the capital, VU’s very own James was on hand to help produce a VR showcase as part of the wider festival (inc. experiences like ‘‘The Last Goodbye’, ‘Notes To My Father’, ‘In her Shoes: Intimacy’, and more).
VR Safari
Last month, we were pumped to be able to formally launch our brand new innovation workshop, VR Safari, designed to give businesses creative insight and hands-on experience with some of the world’s most cutting-edge immersive technology.
“It’s a special kind of digital expedition – a guided whistlestop tour through the HTC Vive, the Virtuali-Tee app, Microsoft’s HoloLens, and Gear VR. Just think of us as the technological David Attenborough.”
This was one of our creative team’s favourite branding projects of the year, and we’re excited to be already getting awesome feedback from our clients.
If you’ve seen our new showreel, you already know about Sam’s speaker ninja skills. But now you can listen to her new VR careers talk for FREE via BrightTalk after her fantastic live webinar in September.
Working alongside director Ricardo Laganaro, Bertie delivered a kick-ass VR workshop as part of the Sheffield Doc Fest Brazilian track.
We made it! Moving into the next quarter, we’re settling in to the beautiful Brighton as our new home!
And finally, we’d be mad not to give a shout-out to all the amazing friends and partners who’ve continued to support us with their kind words and feedback. <3